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Never Give Up, Never Surrender

Summer is almost over, but as the saying goes “there’s so much to do and so little time.” With all the running around, this is a great opportunity to strengthen your resolve. Don’t forget that even mild exercise can give you the boost of energy you need to conquer the day and stay strong.

Water(melon) you doing?
National Watermelon Day was this month and other than it being the most perfect summer food for a hot day, watermelon has many health benefits as well.
Keeps you hydrated – Like the name implies, watermelon is 92% water!
Promotes a healthy gut – It’s loaded with fiber.
Helps your heart – Antioxidants like lycopene can help with inflammation in the arteries.
Delivers nutrients – It’s abundant in vitamins A and C along with potassium and other minerals!
Reduces muscle soreness – L-citrulline in watermelon is an antioxidant that helps with recovery.
Speaking of recovery…

Extreme Watermelon dotFIT™ Recovery Drink

FITCO WatermelonRecovery slide1

2 cups frozen watermelon pieces, seedless, cut into 1-inch cubes
1 scoop of dotFIT™ Amino XXXL-Watermelon
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup oat milk
2 teaspoons honey (optional)
1 cup ice (optional) 


  1. Add all ingredients into a blender
  2. Blend until smooth
  3. Pour into glass(es)
  4. Enjoy!

Tip: Switch out the strawberries for pineapple, blueberries, bananas or your other favorite fruits to mix up the flavor!

All Classes Included
Group classes are an amazing chance to get your health on and meet like-minded members who are in the same boat. Group classes give you motivation along with proper form and techniques. It also adds much needed variety to your workouts.Group classes also:

  • Keep you accountable.
  • Keep you consistent.
  • Help you find friends.
  • Boost your weight loss.
  • Are FUN!

A few group classes to consider at our gyms:


FITCO BodyPump

Get lean, toned and fit FAST. By using light weights with more repetition, you are getting a TOTAL body workout. With a routine set to rocking music and the encouragement of expert coaches, you’ll achieve more in the group and be hungry to come back for more.

HIIT Core Champions Trainer


When we say this class is fun, we mean it’s going to get you super-fit with a series of challenging moves that have your sweat pouring and your heart racing. It’s an intense class of cardio and strength drills that will boost your stamina and power. Sounds fun, right?


See the mountainside and more all from the comfort of our cycling class. This leg pumping, quad burning, lung stretching class will exhilarate and push your cardiovascular system to the edge. Build ultra-endurance, tone your legs and watch the calories melt.

Join A Group Class 

Motivational Members
There is a ton we want to say about @karina.nicoldine on Instagram. Not only is she a 5x Track & Field record holder, but her outlook on life and motivational quotes keeps us pushing ourselves. She shapes herself with intense workouts, but also holds awards for shaping pottery passionately. As an intense tracklete and sportswear model, her faith is what drives her to be the best, live the best and always stay positive.

FC Karina
“When you love and laugh abundantly. You live a beautiful life.”

Go follow this inspirational, record destroying, gravity-defying member on Instagram @karina.nicoldine for more motivation!

Members Who Move It, Move It.
Nothing can be more relaxing—or intense as a good yoga circuit. We‘re featuring @cloud9yogi on Instagram for her dynamic yoga circuit that stretches all over and brings balance. A few of the moves she does have amazing benefits on the mind and body.

Forward Folds: A great way to get your yoga started is with forward folds. A pose you can do anywhere, it helps stretch the entire back from head to heels. It also helps soothe the nervous system and allows for maximum relaxation of the body.

Hip Openers: Doing hip openers during yoga not only helps stretch the hips and open the spine, but they also help improve overall range of motion and body circulation. It helps create an energetic shift in the body that releases stored tension.

Back Bends: No yoga session should be complete without back bends. This easy pose helps improve posture, stretch the spine and increase oxygen levels. It can also help alleviate stress and anxiety.
Be sure to follow @cloud9yogi on Instagram to learn more circuits and read about her inspirational story. 

You’re STRONG!
The twilight of summer is beginning to twinkle and set over the horizon. If things get overwhelming, just remember one thing: you made it to here. You kicked all the butt to get where you are today by persevering and never giving up. According to everyone at Fitness Connection, that is true strength. Keep it up! You’re an inspiration to us all.