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Love Yourself with Fitness

February Focus

Even though it’s a short month, that shouldn’t stop you from falling in love with a new fitness routine and keeping your resolutions strong. If you don’t know this already, we are so passionate about having the best classes, top-tier machines and expert trainers at your disposal. With that, on top of delivering a SAFER, CLEANER and BIGGER experience, you have everything you need to work on your physical and mental health.

A Recipe For Recovery
Many athletes swear by recovery drinks or food after their intense workouts and it’s easy to see why. The right nutrients and proteins added to your body after exercising can help repair muscles, ease joint pains, rehydrate the body and more! This month, we focus on a recovery drink that’s delicious, easy to make and celebrates a national holiday (Dark Chocolate Day was February 1st).

Some people balk at dark chocolate without ever knowing about its many benefits for the body. Not only is it a large source of antioxidants, it has less sugar than its milk and white counterparts. Dark chocolate can also help:

  • Improve blood flow
  • Raise HDL (that’s the good cholesterol)
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Decrease inflammation
  • Add important minerals like magnesium, zinc and iron to the body

With the importance of a recovery supplement and the benefits of dark chocolate, we decided to mix them together for an easy-to-make shake.

Skinny Chocolate dotFIT® Recovery Shake


  • 1 small banana
  • 1 scoop dotFIT® Whey Smooth Protein Chocolate Crème
  • 1 tablespoon dark chocolate cocoa powder
  • 1 cup ice
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond/oat milk
  • 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup

Add all ingredients to a blender and mix until smooth. Put straw in container and drink. Or pour into a glass if someone is watching.

PRO TIP: Instead of dark chocolate, try using blueberries instead. Not only do they have an abundance of antioxidants, but they are sweet and tasty in a recovery shake as well!


Partner Workouts
Our circuit exercises this month focused on working out with a partner. So whether that’s your best friend, a significate other, a family member or even the wall (we don’t judge) we compiled a list of movements that are guaranteed to work on your trust issues, and get your heart rate up. With our bigger facilities, you can do all of these in the comfort of the gym.

All these exercises use a medicine ball. If you don’t have one, that’s ok! You can substitute a soccer ball, basketball or even a gallon of water. Don’t overdo it and be sure to concentrate on the movements.

Medicine Ball Partner Twist

This workout does it all! Stand back-to-back with your partner and hold the medicine ball out in front of you. At the same time, both of you twist to the same side. Hand off the weight to your partner, then twist the opposite way and accept the ball from your partner on the other side. Don’t have a partner? Hold the medicine ball outwards and slowly turn to one side. Pause and then rotate around to the other side. That’s 1 rep. Do 2 sets of 10 reps.

Medicine Ball Sit Pass

Your abs and core will be sore after this one. But with any type of exercise, it’s a good burn. If your partner is off doing other things, feel free to get creative. When you get to the top of the crunch, hold the ball straight in front of you for a few seconds before coming back down. Do 10 reps.

Medicine Ball Crunch Pass

Trust is key with the Medicine Ball Crunch Pass. Not only does it work your abs, core and shoulders, it gives you a chance to work on your hand-eye coordination. Butterfingers need not apply.
No partner? No worry! Instead of passing the medicine ball toss it straight up and catch it when you get to the top of your crunch. Do 15 reps.

Medicine Ball Plank Roll

If you think regular planking is enough to set your core on fire, you’re going to love adding some additional moves with the Medicine Ball Plank Roll. Your shoulders are going to thank you too. This is one workout that’s just as fun alone. Roll the ball in front of you with your right arm, return your right arm to plank position and reach out and roll the ball back to yourself with your left arm. That’s 1 rep. Do 2 sets of 8 reps, then switch starting arms and repeat.

Faith and fitness drive this month’s featured member @paradox_world_. Whether competing in bodybuilding shows or being goofy outside the gym, Elvira ALWAYS has amazing advice to give. She never gives up, never quits and always makes sure to persevere. She is a true inspiration to anyone—at any time—during their life journey. Check out @paradox_world_ on Instagram to receive some of her words of wisdom.

FC Feb 2 19 paradox world

There is NO COMPETITION when it comes to the Fitness Connection app. It’s a great way to keep tabs on your goals and stay on the path to greatness.
Our app helps enhance your fitness journey by letting you:

  • Track workouts
  • Find and schedule classes
  • Access Fitness Connection @ Home
  • Earn rewards for in-gym products
  • Set challenges and goals

Download the app today!

Take Care of Yourself
We are just cruising through 2021 at treadmill speeds. Don’t forget to take some time and discover what you love about yourself. Is it your tenacity? The ability to juggle with one hand? The cute freckle on your nose? Whatever it is, remember that taking care of—and loving—yourself is so important. If you ever feel down, or need a pick-me-up, don’t hesitate to stop by. We love to lift spirits as well as weights.