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How Habits Help With Transitions

All year long we look forward to summer. We fantasize about looking and feeling our best at the beach or pool. But once it’s here, what else is there to look forward to?

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Fall is historically less exciting: vacation is over, the weather is colder, having to go back to school and less sunshine during the day. But… what if we adjust our mindset about the change of seasons? Heading into the end of summer, don’t dread getting back into a routine! Habits help motivate and make us the best versions of ourselves.The saying that “people are creatures of habit” is true! This phrase can help us to remember that having a routine can be beneficial and is natural for humans. Without a routine, research shows we tend to be more stressed, sleep less and eat poorly.Balancing work, friends, family, hobbies, etc. can be hard to do on any given day. The transition of August to September is notorious for being the time where routines must start up again because school is back.


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 If it’s been a while since your last workout, you shouldn’t feel shame for getting back into a routine. Here are some tips to help you find the right groove.

  • Don’t be too hard on yourself. Ease back into working out. Going too hard too quickly will result in injury and cause you to halt your progress.
  • Set realistic, measurable goals. Having something to look forward to or achieve can help keep you going.

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  • Not every day is meant to be an intense workout. You can still make progress on your fitness journey when you have a rest day.
  • Don’t beat yourself up for missing a workout or indulging in something you’ve decided is off limits. Just remember that you can always start again.
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  • Surround yourself with people who uplift you and challenge you to stay on track. Having someone to share workouts and meal plans with can help keep you accountable.
  • Remember why you started in the first place. Think back to that reason when you feel like you are losing stamina keeping to your routine.
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"Some days you have to show up and push through, even on the days you don't want to. But...that's when you find out just how strong you really are!" -@angelafitmom5[/caption] Finding or getting back to a routine can be tough on your own. Fitness Connection wants to help make it easier. Creating time in your week for our workout classes is a great way to schedule your fitness activity and be part of a supportive community. To keep your routine from getting stale, we have all different types of classes from Zumba® to cycling! If you’re looking for someone to keep you accountable, you can bring a like-minded friend with you to try our classes or Test Drive A Personal Trainer.