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Get Schooled: Back to School Is the Perfect Time to Change up Your Workout

Back-to-school season means routines are changing again. Changing routines is an easy way to fall off the fitness wagon, but never fear! Let’s take this time of year and look at it through a new light: it’s the perfect time to break out of your old exercise habits and try something exciting and new to you. Luckily, Fitness Connection has all the amenities you need from your local gym to mix it up and stay fresh.

Here’s a few things to try.

Switch cardio for weights. If you’re usually a cardio king or queen, switch up your cardio time with strength training. Let lifting be your cardio! Metabolic resistance training – coupled with a little bit of rest time between sets – helps fat loss by keeping your heart rate elevated the entire time. Bonus: you’re building muscle the whole time.

Change up weights and reps. This one’s easy, because it doesn’t require you to learn anything new – just change up what you’re already doing. One week, lift lighter weight with a few sets of 12-15 reps. Then the next week, lift heavy weights at 3-5 reps a set. This way you can shift between strength training and fat loss, and present yourself new challenges week after week.

Try out a new class. Every Fitness Connection workout class is open to every member, so check the schedule and try something new. Not only are you pushing your limits, but the class instructor will tell you what you need to do – all you have to do is follow along! If you work with weights a lot, try yoga – it’s the perfect way to stretch your muscles and stay flexible.

Really, there are as many ways to work out as there are machines and classes at your local gym. If you have questions or need ideas on how to change up your exercise routine this season, just come in to Fitness Connection. Our fitness experts can’t wait to help you level up your workout.